At that point, the software ascertains market value and presents the user with a final price. 这时软件便能确定移动设备的市场价值,并向用户给出最终价格。
There can be many other factors that ultimately define the final price for the bid. 在竞标中决定最终定价的因素可能还有很多。
Pricing lead& Assists in coming up with the final price for the proposed solution. 定价主管&帮助确定建议的解决方案的最终价格。
Calculating the initial and final price for an invoice involves a slightly more complex protocol between an orderer and invoicer. 为发货单计算初始的和最终的价格,涉及到订货者和货品计价之间一个更加复杂的协议。
I believe that no price is the final price. 我相信,没有价格是最终价格。
The final price point will probably depend on which networks are offered and negotiations with television groups, the people said. 知情人士表示,最终的价格点可能还要取决于公司会提供哪些电视网,以及他们与电视集团的协商情况。
The finding will form the basis of a forthcoming jury trial to determine whether the difference between what Motorola had demanded and the final price determined by the judge constitutes a breach of its contract to Microsoft. 这一裁决将为即将举行的陪审团审判构成依据,以确定摩托罗拉的要求与法官决定的最终价格之间的差距,是否构成对其与微软之间合同的违反。
The final price for the deal is not yet determined. 交易的最终定价目前仍未确定。
Toyota is relying on a Japanese government subsidy scheme to bring the final price down to a level where it can sell in the mass market. 丰田汽车借助日本政府的补助计划,降低最终售价,使它适合在大众市场销售。
Excluding the freight cost of about$ 11 a tonne, the final price is about$ 108. 扣除每吨约11美元的货运成本,最终价格约为108美元。
People involved in the sale said there was huge interest from institutional investors wanting to buy into the cornerstone tranche of the issue but the final price of the shares will be set in 10 days, depending on the result of the roadshow. 参与此次发行的人士表示,机构投资者兴趣巨大,希望购买此次发行的基石部分股份,但最终发行价将在10天后决定,取决于路演结果。
The limit of expenditure shall be the contractor's best estimate of the final price, which shall take into consideration expected variations during the performance of the work. 经费限额应由承包商对其最终价进行最佳估算,估算时应考虑到工程实施期间的预期变更情况。
Silk accounts for a small part of the final price of fine clothing. 生丝在高级丝绸衣物的最终价格中只占一小部分。
Is that your final price? 那是你最后的价钱了吗?
First, more pricey Chinese labour still represents only a fraction of the final price of goods sold in Europe and the US. 首先,提高之后的中国劳动力成本,在欧美所售产品的最终价格中,仍只占到很小的一部分。
Then, it makes a review on the research work of the principle of clustering and reference price setting, and the impact of reference pricing on behavior of referrals in market and the final price. 对国外相关文献进行梳理,以参考定价系统的规制结构和规制结果为线索,对参考组分组原则、补偿价格设定,以及参考定价对市场参与者行为和最终市场价格影响等问题的研究概况进行综述。
By contrast, VAT is a tax which, although applying to each transaction in a supply chain, effectively only taxes the final price paid by the end-consumer. 与此不同,增值税虽然也对各个交易环节征收,但是实际上税负是由最终的消费者来负担的。
The final price, to be announced tomorrow, will differ between miners due to the use of different price formulas. 最终价格将于明日宣布,由于采用不同价格公式,各矿业公司的价格将有所不同。
The final price will depend on whether Huawei cedes majority control. 最终价格将取决于华为是否同意让出控股权。
Whatever the final price he receives, he is by no means the first person to try to sell something unusual online. 无论最后的售出价格是多少,亚瑟都不是第一个想在网上出售与众不同东西的人。
An individual who secretly represents a seller at an auction, and who places bids to generate interest in and drive up the final price of the item being auctioned. 在拍卖上秘密代表卖方的个体,他们标价以激起购买兴趣,最终托高拍卖成交价。
The business delivery time is in accordance with the length of the construction period of each project and the final price is settled in accordance with the work amount. 业务交付时间是按照每一个工程施工周期的长短,最后的价格按照工程量结算。
If problems or symptoms are found, the inspector may recommend further evaluation, and they can also be used in setting the final price of the home. 如发现存在问题,评估师会提出整改意见并告知相关费用,该意见可作为房产调价和最后定价的依据。
The bank is expected to set a final price for the IPO by July 7, with the shares listing in Hong Kong and Shanghai about a week later. 该行预期将在7月7日确定最终上市价格,其股票将在大约一周后在香港和上海挂牌上市。
Only in countries such as Germany or Hawaii, with high power prices, does that final price of electricity from solar compete with that from the grid, notes industry consultancy GTM research. 业内咨询机构gtmresearch指出,只有在德国和夏威夷这些电价很高的市场,太阳能供电的最终价格,才可与电网的电价竞争。
Is that the final price? 这是最终价格吗?
That's my final price, take it or leave it. 这是我的底价,要不要随你的便。
The initial non-binding bids, due by June 23, are expected to value the division at$ 3bn, according to people familiar with the matter, although the final price will depend on whether Huawei agrees to cede majority control. 知情人士称,6月23日到期的首轮非约束性投标,预计对该项业务的估值为30亿美元,不过最终价格将取决于华为是否同意让出控股权。
The final price will fluctuate from company to company due to the use of different price formulas. 由于采用了不同的价格计算方法,各个公司的最终价格会有所差异。